Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It's people like this that help me work on patience. Rant follows picture:

What kind of senseless idiot parks like this? If it was a Hummer... a real honest to goodness Hummer, I would almost - ALMOST cut him/her some slack. Real Hummers are REALLY big vehicles, and certainly hard to park. If this genius drove an H2 (read: glorified Suburban) I would again, ALMOST cut him/her some slack.

BUT NO. This rocket scientist drives an H3. This fine piece of automotive shite is built on the same chassis (GMT355) as the Chevy Colorado (The small pickup):

Which is only an updated version of the S-10:

From which we got Jimmy:

Which was re-badged as the Oldsmobile Bravada:

So in essence - this two-bit, good-for-nothing tool is driving a modernized (albeit boxy) Oldsmobile Bravada - hardly a large vehicle, and DEFINATELY park-able.

People like this give all Hummer drivers a bad name.

Disclaimer - I have a pretty strict rule about what pictures I post on this blog. I generally only post pictures that I have taken. So, the disclaimer is that the only picture I took in today's post is the first one. The others come from google's image search.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How can I title this?

Wyoming Rules?

Wyoming's God is Awesome?

Toyota Camry's God is awesome?

I know - the best title for this post is:

This is the type of thing you miss when you move "back east"

Best Funeral Lunch Ever

Yes, that's right, I love funeral potatoes. At this particular funeral there were seven varieties of this tasty dish(four pictured below). And yes, the one in the top-left corner has crumbled ruffles potato chips on top.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

No... Really

I don't have anything against green Ford Tauruses, I promise.

This champion pulled up next to me at a traffic light yesterday. Not sure which I like better, the hubcaps, or the aftermarket chrome-ish skull rising from the hood. I think I just like that dude went through all that trouble on what I think is a grandma car. Just click on it for a better view of the FINE, FINE details.

And it shall be known as...



The only thing missing from this dream ensemble is socks with sandals.

This isn't funny

I just thought it was cool. How often do you go out on a bike ride and pull up behind a guy riding one of these?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Maybe we should have a little chat

just be warned... if you come to church with me - don't walk on the sidewalks.

I've only been at this church for 3 months or so and of all the weeks, I've only seen this person ACTUALLY IN THE PARKING LOT and not in the grass.... like twice.

maybe I should start taking pictures of that.