Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Forty-Nine Years

49 years of anger and paranoia... it should be lovely.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

so confused

There are so many political messages here I can't really get a grip on what means the most to this person. If I try to boil it down, do I get:

1. A Dragon fearing, God fearing, anti-war, gay, native american, Obamaniac?


2. A peace loving native american who used to play Dungeons & Dragons but has settled into religious based parenthood and cares a great deal about the color spectrum?

I just don't know. I think the sticker that puzzles me the most is "Indian Country". The last time I checked, the word "Indian" is an incorrect and insensitive term for the groups of people that were native to this land before the europeans took over. I just don't get it.

$2500 Trash Can

The chairs in our lobby at work are very nice chairs from Jack Cartwright.

We also have a little candy dish where people can help themselves to a treat while they wait. I guess when people don't see a trash can readily available for their use, they devolve to the second grade mentality and stash it between the cushions.

nice... really nice.