Wednesday, August 19, 2009

No... Really

I don't have anything against green Ford Tauruses, I promise.

This champion pulled up next to me at a traffic light yesterday. Not sure which I like better, the hubcaps, or the aftermarket chrome-ish skull rising from the hood. I think I just like that dude went through all that trouble on what I think is a grandma car. Just click on it for a better view of the FINE, FINE details.

And it shall be known as...



***** said...

hey, if one must ride the car one's dad gets him...he has to do all little something to make it his own. own it skull boy. I mostly like the title you have bestowed.

siberianluck said...

I, for one, DO have a problem with green taurii.

MoM and DaD said...

Nate said:

Did the guy driving happen to have a eye patch, bandanna, and possibly a hook for a hand? Maybe this is just his land schooner.