Friday, May 22, 2009

Steaming Pile of...

I know, I know... the truck is "so hot it's WHITE HOT!! Like with WHITE HOT FLAMES AND STUFF!!!"

But to me, it just looked like steam. Yes, steam.... issuing forth from a steaming pile of what the American Automobile Industry has become.

Parking Problems

You may notice a bit of an occassional theme on this blog.

I am a parking snob.

I go to great efforts to park within the lines. And I don't think it is asking too much for others to do the same. We have parking spots for a reason.

Two weeks ago at church... curb? what curb?

I figured it was a one time deal, so I took the picture. Yah, not so much.

Fast forward a week. Repeat offender. And you can't tell from this angle, but the right front wheel is completely in the grass.

Feline Gender Identity Crisis

Not sure which I like more - the unknown gender, or the optional names... as if a cat would actually answer when called anyway.