Thursday, December 23, 2010


Nothing says retail middle management like "Hey, let's go for a stroll around the building while the underlings deal with holiday crazy people"

Oh yeah?

Medicinal Purposes

You see, here in Colorado, we have legalized medical marijuana and made it super easy to get.

It appears to be interfering with my pizza guy's ability to slice pizza:

In Guy Time

At first I thought this was a misprint. Then I realized that the person at Netflix responsible for making these labels was kind enough to put this film in perspective. It was labeled for how long this movie feels for the male audience.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Forty-Nine Years

49 years of anger and paranoia... it should be lovely.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

so confused

There are so many political messages here I can't really get a grip on what means the most to this person. If I try to boil it down, do I get:

1. A Dragon fearing, God fearing, anti-war, gay, native american, Obamaniac?


2. A peace loving native american who used to play Dungeons & Dragons but has settled into religious based parenthood and cares a great deal about the color spectrum?

I just don't know. I think the sticker that puzzles me the most is "Indian Country". The last time I checked, the word "Indian" is an incorrect and insensitive term for the groups of people that were native to this land before the europeans took over. I just don't get it.

$2500 Trash Can

The chairs in our lobby at work are very nice chairs from Jack Cartwright.

We also have a little candy dish where people can help themselves to a treat while they wait. I guess when people don't see a trash can readily available for their use, they devolve to the second grade mentality and stash it between the cushions.

nice... really nice.