Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I truly don't like either main stream candidate, so this is not an endorsement one way or another. Really... I don't think either of them is the right choice. But having said that, the following, from the back window of a Honda Civic in Northern Denver, is a bit of a stretch:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Missing The Point

Is Target a target without a target?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

High Brow Meets Low Brow

No Really... I Get It. Sure, your Jaguar has a long snout-shaped hood. I can hear the conversation now:

Dude: "Tee hee. Ha ha. Get it? the hood looks like the nose...on... the... Wylie...Coyote...headlights look like fingernails... peeking... over..."

Me: "yah... really.... we ALL get it."

Do you?

UAW Secret Plot?

Is the American Automobile establishment sneaking around blowing up Toyota Priii?

(is the plural for Prius, "Priuses? or Priii?)

Nope. No such conspiritorial luck. This is a prop from a film.

You Know People Like Your Book When...

The Quad

Sometimes four beef patties and five slices of cheese sounds like a GREAT idea. Not just your regular sized patties either. These are 6" patties - it is a BIG burger.

So as long as the idea belongs to some one else, you just cheer them on. And yes, the guy with the idea... actually ate the whole thing. Ugh.

At First Glance...

You may not notice anything funny about this. There are entire websites dedicated to the theme

"You're Doing it Wrong"

Here's my contribution to the you're-doing-it-wrong-inter-webber-nets:

Accurate Colloquialism?

I guess so. People will do anything to sell me a vegetable.

I Dislike Moths

No, really. I don't like them. So for these to be hanging on my house when I cam home one day... I was unhappy. I put them in a box and fed them to my chickens. I felt better after that.


Sometimes I wonder if President Bush is aware that people are so unhappy with him that they resorting to this. This isn't from New York or California... this little number is from a sleepy street in suburban Michigan.


These two pictures aren't necessarily funny. But if you stop and talk to the guy who owns this car, he'll talk to you for well over an hour about cigarette burns in the original upholstery and 1960's teenage sexcapades. Oh yah, it's a 63 Chrysler Imperial.

Your Boat is Nicer Than My Car

On second thought... the skiis in this boat are nicer than my car.

Square Peg

I guess this will still work, but I'm not sure it's exactly what the engineers had in mind.

Value Shopper

Why use one parking spot, when you can take up two for the same price?

A few months ago, while at lunch, I saw this. I thought to myself:

"That's interesting, that police officer must have been in a hurry to park crooked like that"

Forty minutes later, on my way back from lunch, the car was still there. So I doubled back and took the picture. This sweet parking choice wasn't for a lack of space. There were AT LEAST 35 spots in the lot... but none were at the front door like this one.

Perhaps there was some kind of emergency, and this heroic police officer was the first responder. And I'd like to believe that his/her car is still taking up TWO handicapped spaces because he/she is still inside providing some kind of life saving service to the school.

But I have a sinking feeling that dude was just lazy and didn't want to huff it more than 15 ft. to the entrance.